Temeno GmbH


Alarm and nurse call systems from one provider

The Menocom call light system offers a remarkably long service life and a sustainable product. Our products are fine-tuned for use in GP clinics, nursing homes and hospitals. Components in the call light system can be optimally modified to suit various environmental conditions and couldn’t be easier or more comfortable for your patients to use. Our call systems feature ion-doped coating and smooth surfaces, making them particularly hygienic.

MeNoCom Lichtrufsystem

Alarmierungs- und Schwesternrufsysteme aus einer Hand

Das Menocom Lichtrufsystem zeichnet sich durch besonders hohe Lebensdauer und Nachhaltigkeit aus. Unsere Produkte sind ideal auf die Anwendungsfäll in Arztpraxen, Pflegeheimen und Kliniken abgestimmt. Die Komponenten des Lichtrufsystems lassen sich an die unterschiedlichen räumlichen Begebenheiten anpassen und werden Ihre Patienten durch simple Bedienung sowie angenehmer Haptik überzeugen. Unsere Rufsysteme haben eine ionendotierte Beschichtung und glatte Oberflächen, wodurch die Produkte besonders hygienisch sind.

Instant help at
the click of a button

Call systems in medical facilities such as GP clinics, hospitals, senior and care homes need to be installed according to DIN VDE 0834. Accordingly, they need to be functional in the event of a malfunction in the facility’s local phone system in order to ensure the best possible availability in the case of an emergency. They also need to satisfy particular standards with regard to electromagnetic compatibility. All of the aforementioned directives have been combined in the Menocom nurse call system subject to the strictest quality standards.

Instant help at
the click of a button

Call systems in medical facilities such as GP clinics, hospitals, senior and care homes need to be installed according to DIN VDE 0834. Accordingly, they need to be functional in the event of a malfunction in the facility’s local phone system in order to ensure the best possible availability in the case of an emergency. They also need to satisfy particular standards with regard to electromagnetic compatibility. All of the aforementioned directives have been combined in the Menocom nurse call system subject to the strictest quality standards.

Nurse call, DECT messaging
and call alerts in one system


Nurse call, DECT messaging and call alerts in one system
